Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kobe Bryant, Lakers and NBA's handling of PR Crisis

After receiving a technical foul in the third quarter of a game against the San Antonio Spurs, Los Angeles Laker Kobe Bryant lashed out at referee Bennie Adams with a curse word and homophobic slur. As you can reason, Bryant's comments brought about a lot of unwanted attention to him, the Laker's organization and to the league.

Ironically, the NBA had already paired with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Network (GLESN) and had filmed a Public Service Announcement with Grant Hill that same day for their "Think Before you Speak" campaign.

The purpose of this post, however, is not to criticize Kobe Bryant for his outburst. I would be a hypocrite if I were to act as if I have never used foul language or called someone a name while playing a sport. I want to discuss how Kobe Bryant, the Lakers organization and the League handled the incident afterward.

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant could have confronted this issue in many ways. Since there was no audio and only video of his  'comments' he could have denied what he was accused of. Bryant could have refused to address the media or issue any statement at all. He could have spoken thorough his PR team and through social media sites such as Twitter. Bryant also could have tried to address representatives of the affected parties such as GLAAD, GLESN, etc., and then refused further comment.

Bryant, instead, chose to go on the offensive. He admitted his mistake, contacted different organizations in order to apologize and made personal statements to the media in order to assuage tense feelings and to express his regret concerning his remarks.

On the Dan Patrick Show, Bryant stated:

"It was just stupid and ignorant...In this situation seeing how many people were affected, it helps you understand the weight that comes from that word...That's why it's very important for me to communicate how sorry I am to use that word."

I think this was the right approach. He owned up to his actions, made attempts to redress the harm and promised not to use the language again and to use his influence to convince others to stop using homophobic slurs.

Now, I would never tell anyone what to do with their money so my next point is influenced by this. Further, I also recognize that the average public (including me) is pretty flippant about the income of professional athletes and can easily (and falsely) reason that thousands of dollars means very little to them. But in reference to Kobe Bryant contesting the $100,000 fine levied by the league, from a public relations standpoint, I think he should have accepted it and moved on. It would further demonstrate his regret and willingness to accept responsibility for his actions.

Los Angeles Lakers 

John Black, Spokesman for the Lakers, issued this statement:

"What happened in Tuesday night's game is not representative of what the Lakers stand for. We want to reaffirm our commitment to all our fans and our appreciation for the support we receive from all segments of society."

"We also understand the importance of positive messages in helping us convey this. We appreciate the input we've received from GLAAD the past two days and will look forward to working with them on ways to help educate ourselves and our fans, and to help keep language like this out of our game (ESPN, 2011)."

I believe the team acted swiftly in their response and in fact, went a step beyond. They did not have to team up with GLAAD, which is the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, as most media coverage seemed to focus on Kobe Bryant and his actions and how the league would respond. I think the Lakers handled the situation superbly.

Commissioner David Stearn

David Stearn charged in front of the incident and was also very proactive in how he dealt with the issue. He didn't allow days to pass. He didn't close ranks and launch an investigation into the event (e.g., Brett Favre).  Instead, he levied a swift disciplinary measure that demonstrated to players, coaches, fans, activists, news media and on-lookers that the NBA would not condone homophobic remarks. Read his statement below from

NEW YORK – NBA Commissioner David Stern issued the following statement today:
“Kobe Bryant’s comment during last night’s game was offensive and inexcusable. While I’m fully aware that basketball is an emotional game, such a distasteful term should never be tolerated. Accordingly, I have fined Kobe $100,000. Kobe and everyone associated with the NBA know that insensitive or derogatory comments are not acceptable and have no place in our game or society (, 2011)."

Final Thoughts

All parties involved seemed to handle a very difficult issue professionally. Although the comments were unfortunate, the incident did allow all of us an opportunity to further think about how our words can deeply affect and offend others. I hope the discussions brought up by this will continue.

Bakari Akil II, Ph.D., is the author of Speech Boot Campand it is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. He is also the author of Pop Psychology and Psychology from all Angles.

1 comment:

  1. You have Kobe Bryant shouting out the word Faggot...then again with the jets guy and David Tyree speaking out against Gay Marriage...and of course you have Tracey Morgan being downright hateful against gays and there are no ramifications. Even the sight of Weiner's Weiner has brought down a Congressman. Are people that afraid of Gays in this day and age? Well Marc Freden, too, has been given pause with the issue.

    As a gay man, even he feels the need to apologize for the blatant use of the word "Faggot" in his new book "REALLY!?!" Now Freden using the "F" word should get a tacit pass...much like black people using the "N" word to describe themselves. His harmless use of the word...(And you must read the book to understand) has lead him to a video mea culpa on YouTube "Marc Freden Must Apologize to the Gay Community".

    Furthermore, Freden has pledged that if Kobe Bryant can be fined $50,000 then he too should pay a price. A percentage of every book sold as a result of his apology will go to the Trevor Project - a gay hot line for distressed teens looking for a voice of calm and understanding. It is the least he can do. Who will join Freden in this cause?
